17 Republicans Vote for Radical Educational Agenda

HB 1508, which would have terminated Common Core in NH, went down in defeat on the NH House floor today.

Many parents came out to greet Representatives today in support of HB 1508. But NH parents and the taxpayers, were ignored.

Here is a list of the 17 GOP legislators that voted AGAINST parents and AGAINST HB 1508. The federal government has no right to impose these types of mandates upon local governments in the first place, even if not considered to be as questionable as Common Core certainly is. Have these ‘conservatives’ read the Constitution!?

These 17 Republicans voted to continue subjecting our teachers to having to use bogus teaching philosophies and methods, and our students to dumbed-down academics and fads, intrusive government snooping and data collection policies, and the indoctrination agenda of the radical, far-left loonies that have taken over public education in the United States.

Perhaps they should turn in their Republican credentials and join the Democratic Party…

Do email them and tell them politely that they have just helped to further destroy public education in NH and will be primaried in 2014.

Christiansen, Lars of Hudson – lars@taybre.net
Devine, James of Sandown – jim.devine@leg.state.nh.us
Gargasz, Carolyn of Hollis – carolyn.gargasz@leg.state.nh.us
Grace, Curtis of Brentwood – curtis.grace@leg.state.nh.us
Graham, John of Bedford – graham4rep@hotmail.com>
Gray, James of Rochester – james.gray@leg.state.nh.us
Grenier, James of Lempster – jimgreniersullivan7@gmail.com
Khan, Aboul of Seabrook – NO EMAIL, call instead: 474-1496
Kidder, David of New London – david03257@yahoo.com
Ladd, Rick of Haverhill – ladd.nhhouse@charter.net
Lockwood, Priscilla of Canterbury – priscillalockwood@myfairpoint.net
Nigrello, Robert of East Kingston – bob.nigrello@leg.state.nh.us
Rowe, Robert of Amherst – rh.rowe@comcast.net
Sapareto, Frank of Derry – sapareto@comcast.net
St. James, Kevin of Kingston – kevin.stjames@leg.state.nh.us
Sytek, John of Salem – john.sytek@leg.state.nh.us
Takesian, Charlene of Pelham – charlene.takesian@leg.state.nh.us

Note that TWO walked away without voting:

Belanger, Ronald of Salem WALKED AWAY w/o voting – ron.belanger@leg.state.nh.us
Hagan, Joseph of Chester WALKED AWAY w/o voting – call: 887-4280


Common Core is the Product of Corporations
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