Earth Day Founder, Convicted Murderer Ira Einhorn

In 2001 this writer had the honor of assisting the family of murdered socialite Holly Maddux in setting up a website and petition in order to demand that her alleged killer be extradited from France.

Apparently Einhorn was accused of murdering their sister Holly who was his girlfriend, and then stuffed her into a suitcase then left in a closet to rot. Months later a neighbor noticed the odor and called police who then made the gruesome discovery.

Einhorn eventually fled to France to live under an assumed name. France does not extradite people to countries where there is a possible death penalty so Holly’s family had a bit of trouble getting this process expedited.

Ira Einhorn, in accordance with my recollection of those ‘days’, and Wikipedia:

“…was active in ecological groups and was an icon of the counterculture, anti-establishment and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s. At one time, he was a friend and contemporary of Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman. He also claimed to have been instrumental in creating Earth Day in 1970, and during the first Earth Day event, which was televised globally, Ira Einhorn was on stage as master of ceremonies, although other event organizers dispute his account. He called himself, poetically, “the Unicorn,” because the name Einhorn …means Unicorn, or more literally translated to “One Horn”.”

Finally, on July 20, 2001, Einhorn was extradited to the United States and we all breathed a sigh of relief for the family’s closure.

Time wrote about the whole sordid case: Time

His connection to Arlen Specter is here: National Review

Ira Einhorn, Earth Day’s Dirty Secret

Like fellow radical of his time Bill Ayers, Ira Einhorn could easily have been one of the O.J. Simpsons of the radical left. But unlike Ayers, he’s been incarcerated for his crimes.