This letter appeared in the April 2 edition of’s letters to the editor.
At Nevada rally, ‘the people of the real America’
MY WIFE and I were fortunate to attend the Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight, Nev., on Saturday.
The media have often characterized Tea Party supporters as anything but a grass-roots organization. They are supposedly organized by big business or special-interest groups. They are supposed to be populated by Republican operatives and political wonks.
From what I saw at the rally, that seemed far from the case.
We joined thousands of everyday Americans who parked at the side of the highway and walked two miles or more to a natural amphitheater in the middle of the desert — all to make our voices heard in protest of big government, big taxes, and the politicians who force them on us.
It was a gathering of young and old, families and singletons. Men and women carried their children and pushed strollers. We saw people with wheelchairs, walkers, bikes, motorcycles, and scooters.
The signs they carried weren’t mass produced in print shops. They were homemade.
There was no sea of purple SEIU t-shirts or groups of other unions pressing their own agendas.
It was the people of the real America.
Unlike Michelle Obama, who only became proud of her country two years ago, I have always been proud of my country and its accomplishments for good in the world.
But after Saturday, I’m a little bit more proud.
Mike Moran
Windham, N.H.