The NHTPC does not endorse candidates, but they would like to remind all of you how important it is to get involved with the process either as a candidate or a volunteer. The NH Statehouse has 400 Representatives, and conservative candidates who support tea party constitutional principles are needed to run to fill every one of those positions.
If you have been following what has been going on in NH, you would know that our state faces a huge deficit and the current legislature has raised taxes almost 90 times. Further they have refused to pass laws to affirm our 10th amendment right to refuse federal government interference, and more.
State Representative is a non-paying positions with a small stipend of $200/yr, and require about 3 days per week of your time, so it is best to either be unemployed or have flexible job hours. There is a small reimbursement for your gas and tolls.
The sign up period is June 2-11 at your local town hall and costs $2.
That said, each district in NH has a set number of Representatives that they send from each area, which is divided by counties. You can look up who your current representatives are here:
First, find your county, click on it, then your town. For example, if you live in Salem, you are in Rockingham District 4 and you have 13 Reps! There are 376 members of the House.
You also share one Senator with other towns… in Senate District 22. There are 24 Senate Districts.
If you have questions about anything at all — your district, the procedures, whether candidates are needed in your area, campaign school training, etc, please write and we’ll see if we can’t point you in the right direction.