Fringe Candidates Emerge in Both Parties

Note: If you were brought to this website because you read the slanderous title from a website most appropriately named “Crooks and Liars” be advised that they are just that, crooks and liars. There is no ‘racist wave’ in NH, as the author would like you to think. The NH GOP has already put out their statement regarding the fact that no state or town committee will be assisting this guy, and that he was not recruited by anyone in the GOP or the conservative grassroots including the tea party. Please take anything you read on “Crooks and Liars” as fabrication and exaggeration.

– Admin

It was bound to happen.

Yesterday it came to our attention that a fellow by the name of Ryan J. Murdough, who is apparently known to have posted racist comments on the Concord Monitor’s website in the past, has now had published a letter to the editor announcing his run for State Rep in Grafton 8.

We noted that there were several candidates in both parties who would most definitely be considered ‘fringe’ and who were unsolicited and not endorsed by either the GOP and/or the Tea Party.

Without mentioning any names, the qualifications for fringe range from Murdough’s incessant babble about preserving the white race, to two candidates (one from each party) who have actually threatened to harm public officials at one time or another.

As we said, it was bound to happen.

In Murdough’s case, he has filed to run as a Republican even though he is apparently the Chair of some obscure third party. Because he will face at least a three-way primary, and thanks to the fact the town, county and state GOP committees will not be encouraging him or helping him in any way, I think we can feel certain that someone of his beliefs, which do not fit into any party’s platform but the one of which he claims to be the Chair, will not allow his candidacy to prevail.