Deep Pockets Funding the Far Left

This article from WND sums up the fact that we have far leftist revolutionaries behind this presidency. Anyone who did their homework before the election in 2008 would have seen this coming. With heroes like Guevara and Castro, who needs enemies?

Here are names of deep pockets funding Obama’s scheme
Wealthy far-left activists put cash, savvy into goal of transforming U.S.

“Exposing “the radical left’s best kept secret” is the aim of a new report on the Tides Foundation and Tides Center, a network of wealthy political activists with connections to President Obama whose objective is no less than to transform the U.S. into a socialist nation.

“Together they provide tens of millions of dollars annually to some of the most extreme, destructive charities in America,” declares the report by Trevor Loudon for the Capital Research Center, a Washington, D.C.-based non-partisan education and research organization.”

Violent Socialists Are Their Heroes

Read more at WND…