July 17 Tea Parties

Tea Partiers fanned out over NH today to protest the Cap and Trade Tax Bill and the Government Controlled Health Care Bill that the president is attempting to get Congress to vote for without giving them proper time to read; another broken promise of his campaign.

If you follow this website you know that Hodes and Porter have voted for the biggest tax increase in the nation’s history, the “Cap and Trade” bill, with the Senate yet to vote.

And both House and Senate will be voting on another huge tax increase in the form of the Government Controlled Health Care Bill which we hear is losing steam among House Democrats and support for which has taken a nosedive in the public polls.

According to Rasmussen, 78% of the public think that taxes will be raised as a result of the passage of this bill and just 35% think the government should create a public health care option, while 50% oppose it.

Rasmussen also reports that fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democrats favor the creation of a government insurance alternative. But Republicans (73%) and voters not affiliated with either party (62%) are opposed.

Some of the office locations covered were Shaheen and Porter in Manchester, Hodes in Concord, and Porter and Shaheen in Dover.

In Manchester and Dover, the usual SEIU/ACORN agitators were there. In Manchester they had no idea that on Page 16 of the bill, there is language that provides for the phasing out of private insurance. Also, some very elderly people were shocked to find out that ‘saving money’ on health care meant they might be denied services.

To quote Senator Daschle (D), proponent of a nationalized system of health care, “health-care reform “will not be pain free”. He said, “Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. That means the elderly will bear the brunt.”

In Manchester, Tea Partiers held a massive 5×8 plastic sign which bore a graphical chart of the government bureaucracy that would become involved in one’s health decisions if this bill were to pass.

In Dover, paid agitators at times became belligerent, and tried to create trouble where it did not exist. Tea Partiers reported a steady stream of people going into both Porter’s and Shaheen’s offices to hand deliver letters, which were provided to people to sign. Collected were lots of signed Citizens Pledges and some people took the Pledges home to study.

All during the stand-in phone calls were made to the offices in D.C. and Dover. Cards with phone numbers on them were provided and people used their cell phones. Several new people joined the movement including some Democrats who were fed up with the shenanigans in DC.

Later it was discovered that not only did some of the counter-protesters from SEIU arrive and depart in cars with Massachusetts tags, but one even admitted he was from Trinidad and not even a citizen, and that he was being paid to say and do what he was doing.

In this Foster’s Article Porter was described as an “an arrogant, elitist socialist.” She blew off the demonstrators stating they had the right to peacefully protest. We can only imagine that Congressional offices are hesitant to give up information about how their constituents email, phone calls, and letters are going… because if they fit with the polls, they are likely against both these issues. Voters must keep the pressure up and if they do not vote our wishes, toss them out of office!

Photos below, videos to come! Please check back to this post for more.

Concord 1
Concord 2
Manchester 1
Manchester 2
Manchester 3
Manchester 4
Manchester 5