Marxists Talking Out Their Butts

Please note the fellow in the green shirt with the sign… who ‘heard’ about the mockery of MLK, and heard a ‘little bit’ about the Beck rally…

What stupidity! The guy ‘heard’ (but never watched or attended) that Glenn Beck “mocked” MLK at his 8/28 rally. We all know that no such thing happened… and in fact, many conservative blacks were there in agreement with the message of the event.

Talk about talking out your butt, based on “rumor”!

As for the woman complaining about wealthy corporations, who does she think is funding all this green and Marxist nonsense? Um, that would be Rockefeller, Soros, De Rothschild, Strong, Tides Foundation, etc. Just the biggest oil and banking families on the planet!

And for all the complaints about the few Hitler signs (which by the way were carried by the socialist LaRouche movement) please note the Hitler reference was made in comparison to the policies being followed and which were OPPOSED. These folks on the other hand show unabashed SUPPORT for murderers like Mao and Che Guevara whose likeness they proudly wear on their shirts.

And considering these folks are pushing the GREEN agenda, they pretty well trashed the Memorial steps, walkways, lawns, etc.

Here is a great article on about why the media needs to challenge the attendees of this hate-fest.