GSFTC Continues to Mislead Public

Are you angry yet about the misconceptions and out and out lies that are being told by GSFTC at these forums? Get ready to blow your stack. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy is funded by George Soros. They are pushing for an income tax. If the “richest 1 percent only pay 2 percent”, these people are incapable of doing even the most basic math.

“The Capital Research Center has published a list of additional organizations to which Open Society Institute, Soros’ group, has recently donated money, groups that according to CRC “advocate higher taxes and more government spending, oppose social security reform, litigate against property rights, oppose the death penalty, oppose tough criminal incarceration policies, oppose Bush judicial nominees, and promote balkanizing racial agendas.”

Experts debate how to solve state budget issue

“The poorest 20 percent of N.H. families pay 8 percent of their income in state and local taxes, while the richest 1 percent only pay 2 percent, according to a Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy report. In the last year, Listen has seen a 40 percent increase in individuals seeking its services ­— which include food distribution and career counseling — as a result of their inability to afford their property taxes, according to Bourne.”

“We need to redistribute the burden,” she said.”

Read more at The Dartmouth