More Republi-CONS for ONE

In the past we’ve written about how Republicans, or those calling themselves such, have been conned, duped, and tricked into supporting the ONE Campaign.

Read about the ONE Campaign and how it is deceptively presenting itself as some sort of charity when it is simply a lobbying vehicle for more spending.

We have proven time after time that it is merely a LOBBYING machine for the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. The way the ONE group intends to support the MDG is through legislation such as Obama’s “Global Poverty Act”. Each election cycle ONE shows up and pressures candidates to support their dubious causes. They recently held a POLITICAL event at the NHIOP… What charity does that?

Basically supporting ONE is to support MORE spending, MORE redistribution of the wealth, and MORE socialism, and WORLDWIDE to boot.

Please tell these “Republicans” (Pence, Pawlenty, Barbour, Santorum, Sununu, Hurst, Doherty, MAYOR GATSAS etc) that you DO NOT APPROVE of their support of this phony group, ONE.

Tell KELLY AYOTTE that “ONE campaign is a poison pill for conservatives, libertarians, and small government republicans, and you’d do well to keep your distance in the future.”

Shame on YOU Kelly Ayotte!

Related: Shea-Porter Signs On
ONE Pushed on Souhegan Students
Beware of Politicians and the ONE

See all REPUBLICANS in NH who have committed to ONE along with Democrats.

Update: This morning, Manchester Mayor Gatsas was on WGIR with Charles Sherman. Sherman asked him about the fact that he has deemed Manchester the “City of ONE” and wanted to know what it was about. Gatsas said it was about people being aware of the homeless and hungry, such as our Veterans. Say WHAT??? We immediately got scores of emails advising us (as if we didn’t already know) that the ONE Campaign has not ONE thing to do with OUR VETERANS or anyone in THIS country!

Could the Mayor of Manchester be that clueless? Sadly, Gatsas has been Republi-CONNED.