We’d written before about CER and IPAB panels and one other panel that would decide what each medical procedure was worth, whether they were effective enough to be used or not, and on whom they could be done according to the determined effectiveness and the person’s life expectancy.
As Beck said, they are building this system (quite Nazi-like) piece by piece hidden in different bills so that one day it will all come together. The CERs after all were not part of the health care bill but of the stimulus plan! The panels are there and insectoid Orzsag even said so, and said that it was ‘hard’ for them to do it but it had to be done.
But it’s even more shocking is what Paul Krugman said…
“Krugman… suggests that such death panels could be one way the federal government will be able to deal with soaring medical costs under control as the Baby Boomers enter retirement.”