Sen. Rockefeller: FCC Should Take FOX News, MSNBC Off Airwaves
He wants ‘slimmed down channel packages’ (I guess something like what Hugo Chavez has done to take over the airwaves?) because apparently Americans have too many choices and can’t be corralled into the world order as easily when there is the free flow of information.
We say, a pox on the whole Rockefeller house starting with the demonic David, who used to be the most evil man in the world until Soros came along that is… and who bought the print media in 1925. It’s in the US Congressional record. 12 high ranking news managers infiltrated the 25 most influential news media. An editor was placed in each paper. JP Morgan and these creeps the Rockefellers have manipulated the news since before we were born. The objective of their elite club was to acquire political control through a world financial system. Sound about right to what is happening now?