From Alliance for Retirement Prosperity
ObamaCare must be REPEALED; it cannot be REPAIRED.
AARP will try to block the Repeal of ObamaCare
The health care crisis was a trumped up crisis. The Obama Administration and AARP used this fake crisis to shove ObamaCare down the throats of the American people. Now Americans are choking on it – (AARP employees are also choking on it) AARP just announced an 8-13% increase in their corporate health plan cost due to ObamaCare.
The elections are over, and the American people spoke loud and clear: “Repeal ObamaCare. ”
But AARP will pull every trick in the book to block the repeal of ObamaCare. That is why it is more important than ever to keep the pressure on the Lame Duck Congress AND the incoming 112th Congress to REPEAL OBAMACARE–it cannot be REPAIRED.
Any effort to repair ObamaCare will be like replacing arsenic with strychnine–choose your poison. The GOP version of ObamaCare failed in Massachusetts, and it will fail nationally if Republicans insist on trying to repair ObamaCare. ObamaCare must be repealed.
Don’t buy the argument that we can’t simply repeal ObamaCare because we can’t go back to where we were before ObamaCare was enacted. Nonsense. Since there was never a true health care crisis there is no reason to fear repealing ObamaCare.
Granted, there are major problems with our health care system but turning health care over to the government to run is not the solution.
The Alliance is dedicated to repealing ObamaCare because it rations Medicare to the tune of $5,000,000,000,000 (5 trillion) dollars.
AARP is dedicated to keeping ObamaCare because it rations Medicare to the tune of $5,000,000,000,000 (5 trillion) dollars. (By doing so AARP dramatically increases the need for seniors to purchase the Medicare Supplemental insurance that AARP sells. )
Why in the world would AARP help the White House enact a law that will undoubtedly leave their members without sufficient Medicare coverage???
Let me explain.
Because of the way Medicare is structured, seniors have to purchase an insurance policy that fills the gap between what Medicare covers and what it doesn’t. Bigger gap, less coverage; less coverage, greater need to purchase Medicare Supplemental insurance; greater need for Medicare Supplemental Insurance, bigger AARP profits.
For years, AARP made a fortune selling Medigap insurance to fill in those gaps. Then, Congress created Medicare Advantage, an alternative to the Medicare Supplemental Medigap policies sold by AARP. That cut into AARP’s Medigap business.
If ObamaCare is allowed to undermine Medicare Advantage plans, as the Congressional Budget Office confirms it will, AARP stands to benefit enormously as seniors are forced to return in droves to purchase AARP’s Medigap Supplemental plans.
There you have it. While no one can read the mind of AARP executives to know their motivations in joining forces with the White House to jam ObamaCare into law, the observable indicators are unambiguously clear: AARP appears to have betrayed its members to feather its own corporate nest.
If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
That is why AARP will fight for ObamaCare like a cornered Tomcat. That is why we the Alliance must fight even harder to repeal ObamaCare before it puts many seniors out in the cold and into an early grave.
Don’t take my word for it. Pay attention to what’s on TV these days. The minute ObamaCare passed into law, AARP began flooding the airwaves with ads selling their Medigap policies–another objective indicator of why I am convinced AARP will fight the repeal of ObamaCare and resort to their usual scare tactics.
One very important thing to note – when AARP was fighting before ObamaCare passed, they were scrambling for a potential windfall gain. Now they will be fighting to keep that windfall in the AARP basket. The AARP onslaught will be strong and unrelenting (in my humble opinion). We must be up to the fight.
We can repeal ObamaCare but we need your voice and your presence to do it. Help The Alliance provide a real alternative voice on Capitol Hill and at the grassroots.
Let me assure you, We Your Alliance operatives in Washington know how things get done on Capitol Hill — I worked there for many years — we are on to their tricks and we know how to keep an eye on the bureaucrats and politicians to keep you informed on what they are up to.
This is not my first round with AARP – I took them on when I helped write the original 1994 Contract with America and for decades I fought side by side with the late Honorable Jack Kemp for entitlement reform.
AARP has about a 50-year head start on the Alliance and boasts 24 million members. But with members like you–whose voice we will amplify many, many times over–we can fight big-government bureaucrats and preserve the America we know and love for our generation and the next.
Make your voice heard; make your presence felt.