NHTPC: First in the Nation

The Story Behind the Story of the NH November 2 Elections

Sometimes it is painfully amusing to listen to those calling themselves political pundits when these so-called people in the know speak on the radio. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the usual suspects appeared on a local NH morning radio show where they were discussing a poll that asked participants what they felt about a potential Palin, Romney, Huckabee, or Gingrich presidency. Given that these were the only choices that were offered to those being polled, I suppose the respondents answered based on those names. But we cannot imagine any of those people being viable in the eyes of any tea party person in NH, nor NH in general, with Newt being the least viable. Didn’t they learn anything from the recent tsunami?

Further, some suggested that the massive tsunami in the State legislature was not a mandate to repeal such laws that provide for things like the absence of parental notification when a minor is seeking an abortion. We beg to differ. This writer is absolutely sure that if any school or state agency had plucked said writer’s daughter out of school to have an abortion without parental consent, there would have been an instant lawsuit. The very idea of the State of NH running amok of parental rights in this manner is appalling to even the most liberal voter.

Wither Palin? Once Again, the Answer Should Be Obvious

It is also amusing to hear these same ‘pundits’ speaking about the tea party when they are basically operating in a vacuum on this subject. A question we get from the press often is, whither Sarah Palin? And our answer is always, frankly we don’t give a damn, especially after her interference in our elections. Perhaps if they had some actual information, much of which can be gleaned from simply reading this website, they would be able to deduce the story behind the story of Sarah Palin’s absence in NH.

According to a recent Boston Globe article, the former Chair of the NH GOP still doesn’t get it.

They made the observation that while the FreedomWorks bus was here the night before the elections, Sarah Palin was not on it. Any well-researched reporter would know that the TPE bus is not connected to the tea party in NH. We are instead a broad, independent, first of its kind coalition in the nation, made up of center/right groups, and we played a great part in the huge turnabout of the makeup of the new NH legislature. The NH group has nothing to do with the national group who simply hijacked the name, and in fact, TPE was politely asked to stay away. In addition, Palin was politely asked NOT to endorse any candidates in the name of the ‘tea party’ since our coalition chose not to. If anything proved disastrous, it was her decision to ignore our request. So long as the press keeps thinking of her as the ‘leader’ of our tea party, they will continue to make these mistakes.

Note that the NAACP had tried to smear us by associating us with both the TPE and TPP but we are not affiliated with them in any way.

NH Tea Party Coalition’s Success Story

Finally, the real tea party in NH has even a bit more bragging to do. Our successful community organizing was not lost on several states who at this time shall remain unnamed.

Suffice to say, these states have been observing our group and they are so impressed with what we do and how we do it, they are going to pattern their state coalitions after ours, which includes distancing themselves from the national groups that have hijacked the movement’s name and who seem to keep getting that name in trouble.

We shared some of our rules and agreements, goals, and methods with them and they were pleased. The idea of others forming a state coalition based on NH’s has been very gratifying for us.

It is quite an honor to have been the first state tea party coalition in the nation, and then to have some of these other big old states want to emulate us too? After helping effect NH’s most sweeping swing to the right, well you just can’t ask for more than that.