Put up or shut up!
It’s amazing what passes for news today, especially news based on total speculation and extrapolation.
Take for example a certain climate hoax-enabler who runs this blog Climate Progress. You’d think he’d have checked his facts before he proclaimed that “David Koch…has bankrolled groups organizing the Tea Parties.”
It just isn’t true.
Fact is, Koch bankrolls a group called Americans for Prosperity. They support conservative causes just like the criminal ex-nazi George Soros supports many progressive causes. Unlike Koch, Soros actually directly funds most of the ones out there today, including the Center for American Progress which basically sets the agenda for Obama.
And as AFP has always been known to do, long before this new tea party era, it has been putting on forums and seminars and training sessions for conservatives just like any other organization. Of late, it may have sent out invites to tea party types, knowing they too are conservatives. Those conservatives would have attended whether they were part of the tea party ‘movement’ or any other conservative ‘movement’. His attempt to classify the tea party as anything else fails.
Because to say Koch “bankrolled the tea party”, as in, handed them a check to enable them to form, is a statement of pure fantasy from the writer’s vivid imagination. We’d like to see records of it please. Put up or shut up!
The NHTPC takes no funding from anyone, as is the case with most legitimate tea parties who have been around since 2007. Those you see making fools of themselves on TV, self-proclaimed tea party leaders, have simply diluted the message as they’ve made perfect Alinsky targets of themselves.
And further, bloggers like Climate Progress will never admit that their own cause is a hoax created by two of the biggest oil magnates in the world; Maurice Strong and David Rockefeller.. Indeed groups like 350.org are funded by the Rockefellers Brothers. We’ve written about it many times before.
Mr. Koch must be chuckling at being given credit for something he had absolutely no clue about or hand in, whatsoever. And we always chuckle about these enviro-wackos who while accusing the tea party of being funded, are at the same time enabling big oil and big corporations to take over the world using the admittedly fake crisis known as ‘climate change’.
Note: We left a comment on the Climate Progress blog, but the anonymous writer there is too cowardly to post it.