Make no mistake about this, it’s about COLLECTIVISM… and it’s not going to be good for you and me.
“Reorganizing the world order will need to extend beyond the financial system,” Soros wrote in his opinion piece.
Soros is saying that a washed-up America should be replaced by a world government with a global currency under UN rule. He also advocates that China should be top dog while we play second fiddle. What Soros doesn’t say is that two decades of outsourcing U.S. industry, opening the borders and bankrupting the economy with pointless wars and other debacles have been intentionally orchestrated so that now international bankers can tell the world the system is broken and that the individuals who broke it need to show us how to fix it.
Georgy Schwartz, aka George Soros, is a Hungarian Jew who has been described as anti-God, anti-family and anti-American. By his own admission he even helped confiscate the homes of fellow Jews in Hungary in 1944.”
Larry Summers and Martin Wolf… Hear them talk about FOX News…
Gordon Brown…