You may have seen this video clip of the MSNBC talk show Hard Ball, featuring the Portsmouth open carry incident that had Chris Matthews’ knickers in a knot.
Somehow, the real violence has once again escaped the mainstream media.
The first part of this Ridley video is the “good cop” talking to William Kostric about his carrying in the protest area where most of us stood.
But keep watching as later one of two Obama goons kick William Kostric (the open carrier) in the groin and then proceed to spit into Denis Goddard’s camera as he films.
After all the nonsense ginned up by Chris Matthews on Hardball about Kostric being potentially violent simply because he was carrying, I think he showed remarkable restraint after he was attacked.
The victims are still trying to ID these two attackers. If you have any information about the identity of these perpetrators, please let the Portsmouth Police Dept. know.
This is the second incident of real violence at a town hall protest — once again done by Obama supporters. The first incident was when two SEIU black men beat up another black man simply because he was carrying some yellow Gadsden flags.