Smears Tea Party, Has it Ass-Backward

In this video below, the group attempts to expose the 1%ers — those 500 families who own the world’s wealth — such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Strongs, and Soroses of the world — the very ones who promote global socialism. Well isn’t this the very thing supports? is a partisan Communist organization.

But at the same time, by virtue of their subheading, they are also smearing the tea party, claiming the tea party ‘doesn’t want you to hear’ this. Are you kidding? is wrong: the tea party is all about exposing the ‘elites’ who are bankrupting our country by manipulating our elections, inflating our dollars, and redistributing the wealth overseas in order to bring America in line with their globalist agenda… Thus, exposing these elites is one of the main reasons for the existence of the tea party.

From’s blog:

The Truth The Tea Partiers Don’t Want You To Hear

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said he could explain the problems with the economy–in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds–and he did it (with illustrations to boot). It’s great! Check it out.

This is why you should never listen to After all, are they not one of George Soros’s own groups? He is one of the biggest 1%ers and elitist global socialists himself!!!

Speaking of the global elite, Obama is doing a great job for them isn’t he?

Economic Impact of Obama Regime