Tampa Bay and the UN Public Schools

Recently schools in the Tampa Bay area of Florida refused to allow the children to accept copies of the Uniited States Constitution. What was their excuse? They were handed out by a local 912 group…

Somehow, these school administrators don’t seem to mind that the United Nations, who they allow to come in and tell them what to eat, where to build, and how to raise their kids, are worse yet, poisoning the curriculum (www.ibo.org) in their public schools with IB even getting PAID to spread the UN’s Marxist agenda to even the youngest grades..

The common theme in the IBO program, widely used in Tampa Bay Schools, is adjusting childrens’ attitudes to be more ‘global’, with emphasis on progressive activism, with the common theme of redistribution of the wealth worldwide. The overarching document that is pushed is the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which does not guarantee your rights are birthrights, but deems your rights according to the wishes of the UN. [UDHR #29 (3)]

When are parents going to wake up and put a stop to this NONSENSE???

Please read more about the IB in New Hampshire here.