Ron Paul supporters should be wary
It has been the contention of a few supposedly liberty-minded activists here in NH that this “Occupy Wall Street” movement shares issues of concern to the tea party. Some have even foolishly joined in with the Occupy New Hampshire’s ‘General Assemblies’ (a communist term in and of itself) to plan for demonstrations here in this state…
In short these protesters don’t seem to understand that the very nature of some of OWS socialistic demands, such as housing for all and free college tuition, are what brought us down in the first place.
While there have been a few instances where protesters have been seen touting legitimate issues such as opposition to crony capitalism, corporatism, and the corruption and illegitimacy of the Federal Reserve, make no mistake about it — this is purely a communist, world government-inspired, “astroturfed” movement, funded and promoted by the usual suspects. Obama loves it.
The list… thanks to this article in The Blaze, reveals all:
– The Working Families Party was established in the 90s by key members of the the socialist organizations The New Party, ACORN, SEIU, and a coalition of other labor unions and community organizations.
– Patrick Gaspard, the current executive director of the DNC, former director of Obama’s Office of Political Affairs, was an organizer for the New Party, the executive vice president of the SEIU Local 1199, political director for Bertha Lewis (the former president of ACORN) and a co-chair of the Working Families Party.
– The New Party is a socialist political coalition co-founded in 1992 by academic and political activist Joel Rogers.
– The first strategic meetings to plan the New Party were held in Joel Rogers’ Madison, Wisconsin home; Wade Rathke, ACORN and SEIU founder and Gerry Hudson from Democratic Socialists of America and SEIU were in attendance at those meetings.
– The New Party’s influential Chicago chapter began to formed in January 1995. Its members consisted mainly of individuals from ACORN, SEIU and the Democratic Socialists of America. Obama attended a New Party function and received their endorsement in 1995.
– In 1994, a New Party newspaper listed more than 100 activists “who are building the NP;” some names among the list of 100 were Noam Chomsky, Frances Fox Piven, Wade Rathke, Cornel West, Jon Barton of SEIU, Maude Hurd of ACORN and Margaret Shelleda of SEIU.
– Gerry Hudson, SEIU Executive Vice President and original New Party member, serves on the board of the Apollo Alliance organized by Joel Rogers’ group COWS Center on Wisconsin Strategy. The Alliance is a project of the Tides Center. Harry Reid credited the Apollo Alliance with helping to write the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
– Some Hispanics were paid to be present at the OWS rallies to make it look inclusive. Who paid them?
– George Soros’ Open Society Institute is a major source of money behind the Apollo Alliance and the Tides Foundation. Soros is a convicted international criminal of the financial kind… just what these protesters are supposed to hate.
– Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror and see how his apologetic stance on the riots could turn them even more violent.
Indeed, pre-printed signs don’t just appear, someone has to pay for printing them… and this assault on the tea party and on middle class America has been in the planning for quite some time now.
Planning for a “global socialist revolution” was being done already, per this video. What these people want is a totalitarian government to enforce their ‘demands’. And they have already stated they would like to “kill and eat the rich” and put people who won’t let capitalism go into “re-education camps”, and re-elect Obama, despite the fact that Obama continues to be the politician who receives the most money from Wall Street.
Their demands, take from their website: (editor comments in parentheses)
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. (government to set the wage levels)
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. (government run health care)
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment. (government to set the wage levels)
Demand four: Free college education. (like NINJA mortgages I guess)
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end… while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand. (ban use of oil)
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now. (with all the above ‘free stuff’ where is this money coming from?)
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants. (less power again)
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment. (does this include discrimination at jobs against conservative teachers and HHS workers?)
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live. (more socialists to serve)
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system. (one of only a few good ideas)
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” (and only God knows where the money would come from for this)
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies. (ditto)
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union. (card check?)
There is nothing above about Ending the Fed, or being against corporate bailouts… in fact I noted that they decry those causes as ‘libertarian bullshit’ on their website… (Note that the site was donated by Alternet, another radical leftist organization) In fact, quite a few posts claim that the Fed is not the problem at all. After all, why would people calling for centralized government to enforce their demands care about centralized banking?
What we wonder is, why didn’t they just reprint the Communist Manifesto for their demands? Because the above is pure Marxism… causing financial collapse in every country it’s been tried. This is the intent — as Lerner of the Unions stated, to collapse the system.
Related: How Acorn is protesting problem it helped cause…
In the following video see Frances Fox Piven and Fellow Professors Indoctrinating College Students at CUNY To Get Involved and Be Ready for Violent Street Battles and Breaking Down Capitalism…
Finally, Communists believe the end justifies the means. So they are not afraid of violence and threats. Indeed, while the tea party has not so much as garnered a parking ticket, there have been 700+ arrests, property damage and attacks by these radicals who are in fact preventing ordinary Americans from getting to their jobs. And meanwhile, not one crocodile tear from Nancy Pelosi…
Senator Rand Paul: Provoking Cops with Violence is Allowed
Stunning Revelation by NYC Police Commissioner: Protesters Had a ‘Countdown’ & ‘Charged’ Cops
Some violence was staged by workers… Soros employees caught on camera hitting their ‘marks’.
Supporters of Congressman Ron Paul (R) who care about End the Fed and bank bailout issues should run as far away from these Marxists as they can so as not to smear their candidate. The Congressman is decidedly NOT for socialism, centralized government or redistribution of the wealth in any way, shape, or form.
Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street Journal..
Why Doesn’t OWS Protest Zuccotti Park?
Mark Steyn on the Communist Rallies
Photographic Comparison of OWS/Tea Party (Warning: Graphic Content)
Occupy Wall Street Journal Sponsored by 1%
Soros, Piven and other benefactors of OWS
More astroturf: note the printed signs in this video by Victoria Jackson..