Please let Congressman Hodes know that you will not tolerate being ignored.
As reported in the Union Leader, Congressman Paul Hodes held four “forums” on health care on Friday the 4th. These forums were NOT open to the general public.
Despite demands from constituents that all NH Congressmen and NH Senators hold truly public town hall meetings with their constituents this past recess, Rep. Hodes and Sen. Shaheen have failed to act.
It was only when Carol Shea-Porter found out that her opponent Mayor Frank Guinta would be speaking to the public on health care, did the District 1 Representative schedule two town halls which turned out to be limited to 100 people and mostly stacked with her supporters and staffers.
Guinta’s forum required no RSVPs, no patdowns, no tickets, and no name-taking. He even stayed an extra hour to accommodate all questioners. Shea-Porter ignored a constituent and even dismissed hard facts that were presented to her on things like tort reform as unfounded.
Congressman Hodes also refuses to respond when confronted with questions in the street. Chances are if you disagree with him, you are not among the supposed ‘thousands’ with whom he claims he has spoken on important issues.
Here is Congressman Hodes’ schedule for Monday. Let him know how the majority of people in NH feel about what is going in DC.
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 9:00 AM
Paul Hodes will be at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Breakfast at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral,
650 Hanover Street Manchester, NH. Update: Shaheen and Porter will be there as well!
Monday, September 7, 2009 at 3:00 PM
Paul Hodes will be at the Amherst Democrats 2009 Labor Day Barbecue which will be held under the
Pavilion Tent at the Amherst Country Club, 72 Ponemah Road Amherst, NH.