Find all past issues here: ARCHIVE
You may have signed up at an event, sent us email requesting to be added, or used our new form to add yourself to our email list. We have and would NEVER add people to our lists who did not ask to be added.
We also encourage you to forward our information to anyone you think might be interested in the subject matter.
But, please make it clear in your email to them, that only YOU are subscribed to our list, NOT them, and they do not need to unsub themselves. They also need to understand this and that we have and would NEVER add people to our lists who did not ask to be added.
You can avoid the unsub problem by simply removing the unsub links at the bottom after you hit ‘forward’ and before you hit ‘send’ when passing along the messages to your friends.
Otherwise you may not only become unsubbed by accident, but we may be unjustly reported for spam.
If someone did unsub you by mistake, the only way you can get back on is to resub on your own. The software won’t let us re-add you.
The link is here: http://eepurl.com/wTeb1
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. We don’t want to have to go back to having people have to email a request to unsub, and would like to continue to allow the list to be automated and at the users discretion.