Tweet Burn Down the Suburbs? That’s what Stanley Kurtz says will be the result of Obama’s regional plans to redistribute the wealth from those who live in ‘sprawl’ to the cities. “The centerpiece of the Obama administration’s anti-suburban plans is a little-known and seemingly modest program called the Sustainable Communities Initiative. The “regional planning grants” […]
Tweet This story is about a land grab in Florida that affected 1500 people who lost their property and/or businesses for the phony wetlands project and a bridge to nowhere… Senator Rubio has ignored 1500 people destroyed on his and Senator Bill Nelson’s watch. Is this disgusting display of abuse of unconstitutional power to be […]
Tweet “Pinardville Sustainable Community Plan obtains $50,000 grant” cries out an online Goffstown website. After the subheader “NH Housing Community Planning Grant- Local Winners” it goes on to say, “There were three winners in the SNHPC Region – the Towns of Goffstown, Hooksett, and the City of Manchester.” If you ask us, these are three […]
Tweet More disturbing news has us thinking that the UN’s Agenda 21 is making more inroads than most people know about, or are willing to believe. These stories are proof that it’s here and powerful forces of the unelected, in conjunction with non-governmental and private organizations, are enabling it. It’s 2012.. Do you know what […]
Tweet Now that NH BoE, not our elected representatives in the NH legislature, has adopted Common Core , it will cost the taxpayers millions to purchase new curriculum materials. Read the Telegraph’s article wherein Superintendent Conrad claims it will cost Nashua taxpayers millions of dollars to fund this Common Core national curriculum. “Superintendent Mark Conrad […]