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Eye on the Fed: History of NESARA

Tweet The Federal Reserve will now be offering lessons to be taught in public schools in order to defend their Constitutionality and their right to exist. In order to understand their part in the merging of the US into the ‘world order’ you must understand their motives and how they managed to enslave us with […]

Education in NH (CACR 6 and CACR 13)

Tweet The Legislature is giving the People a rare chance to restrain it By Carolyn McKinney, Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire It is a rare day indeed when a Legislature even considers a law that will limit the power of government, but the current Republican Legislature is promising to go much […]

ALERT! Rochester NH Hearing on Agenda 21 Program TONIGHT

Tweet The Rochester City Council’s meeting agenda for this evening, 5 June, lists as Item #6 “Public Input RelativeTo Sustainable Communities Letter Authorization”; and as Item #12 “Sustainable Cities Agreement”. We are asking for citizens to be at the Rochester Council chambers (7:00 PM) to persuade the City Council to wait for full citizen input […]

Bilderberg Elites Want Ron Paul and Followers DEAD

Tweet You probably are aware that the Bilderberg elites are meeting this weekend. In case you are still wondering who these people are and what they do and why the press doesn’t cover them, there is a plethora of information about them on the web so we won’t waste time explaining here. If you know […]

Romney’s Education Plan

Tweet Let’s not return to a “George Bush Coma” if Romney somehow wins… Earlier today, Romney announced his big government “education plan”. We heard from our tea party cohorts in Florida and New Hampshire who were as equally non-plussed as we. Here is what Diane Kepus from Florida had to say: “The Federal government, no […]

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