Tweet This is some excellent photojournalism of the rise and fall of the Occupy Movement as seen in Zuccotti Park NYC. While we have had Occupy people harass us on Twitter by repeatedly sending us photos of nicely dressed old ladies wearing a few tea bags on their hats, as if that and a few […]
Tweet A member of the OccupyDC global revolutionary movement has been caught as the perpetrator of windows that were shot at with an AK-47. Gateway Pundit has the story. We are still wondering what Nancy Pelosi thinks about ‘fearful’ rhetoric now that this foul-mouthed, disease-ridden hippy movement of which she approves has committed every crime […]
Tweet by Merle Burke Political Activist and Commentator The “Occupy Wall Street” protest reeks of hypocrisy! On one hand you’ve got “peaceful protesters” (check out the police logs and fire department logs and you’ll see how peaceful this has been) going after the ‘one percent establishment’ – (certain members of it, that is, – such […]
Tweet by John Hansel One morning in the fall of 1765 the “Son’s of Liberty” in Boston met at the Liberty Tree on the corner of Orange and Essex and unfurled a huge flag… 13 feet long by 7 feet wide… having nine vertical red and white stripes… the “rebellious stripes” they called them… to […]
Tweet Back in 1999, thanks to 1994 “school reform” in Massachusetts, laws dictated that we no longer had teacher tenure and had to be ‘retrained’, and then re-apply for our jobs. We teachers were asked to sign a new contract that contained a rather strange mission statement – it asked us if we would pledge […]