Tweet It’s embarrassing in the least, dangerous at best. Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama both support the protests of these violent Marxists. What’s worse is now the Nazis have joined the Communists in support of taking down the country. Do they not realize it’s not the 1% they are hurting, but the other 99% they […]
Tweet H/T to Andrew Breitbart who hits the jackpot once again! He has gotten his hands on almost 4,000 pages of emails from a Google discussion group showing that socialist/anarchist groups such as, SEIU, American Dream, AFL-CIO, CPUSA and others were involved from the start. By their own admission: “New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts, […]
Tweet Add this violence to the sex, drugs, racism and antisemitism these Marxists are promoting in the streets as they defecate on police cars and flags and refuse to leave places for which they are not allowed to gather. Occupy L.A. Speaker: “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. […]
Tweet As far as we know NH has not had any problems whatsoever with ‘hate’.. that is unless you talk to the SPLC, long thought of as one of the most dangerous hate groups itself. Basing their claims on the idea that any and all opposition to President Obama’s failed policies is based on ‘racism’, […]
Tweet Ron Paul supporters should be wary It has been the contention of a few supposedly liberty-minded activists here in NH that this “Occupy Wall Street” movement shares issues of concern to the tea party. Some have even foolishly joined in with the Occupy New Hampshire’s ‘General Assemblies’ (a communist term in and of itself) […]