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Soros Moves to Control Grain in US

Tweet Soros moves to control American food and grain production Financier and progressive activist George Soros is formulating a move to control food and grain production by purchasing grain elevators in late March in several parts of the United States through his Soros Managment Fund’s backed Gavilon Grain. With purchases made in March, Gavilon Grain […]

How Long Will MSM Ignore This?

Tweet The Blaze.. The hatred, division, virulent, unpredictable anger, violent threats and posturing by the left present a real danger to the lives of everyone in the tea party, their families, Congressional Republicans and constitutional conservatives of all stripes. The tea party is committed to exposing the PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST LEFT’s lies, group violence, racism, ignorance, […]

Codex Alimentarius: The UN’s Dastardly Plan to Control All Food

Tweet If Agenda 21 is the plan to control all land usage, then Codex Alimentarius is to control all food production. Obama recently signed into law the Food Modernization and Safety Act which would basically bring us into compliance with the UN’s plan. Read the Bill Monsanto has their hand in Codex and our legislature […]

Terrorist Bill Ayers to Speak in Maine

Tweet Bill Ayers, unrepentant bomber and domestic terrorist will be speaking at the University of Maine in Farmington on March 30. As you can see, the announcement conveniently fails to note his past with the Weather Underground, his connection to the bombings of the Pentagon and Capitol, etc. Contact the organizer at or you […]

Violence and Disrespect Abound on the Left in NH

Tweet Recall that the Democrats tried to put in new gun laws all because a few people shouted from the gallery when HCR 6 went down. Note the disruptive and disrespectful behavior coming from the left as they protest the budget negotiations. What with the recent threats of “bullets through the head” to certain Wisconsin […]

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