Tweet Nickel and Dimed is Just the Tip of the Iceberg Would it not be nice if parents and taxpayers would sit up, take notice, and DO SOMETHING before a book they object to makes it into the curriculum? Contrary to what one might think from reading Greg Kwasnik’s story about the parents who complained […]
Tweet The Republican Party of Fort Bend County has a good article on Soros in case you remain unconvinced that he is the driving force behind the power grabs. “Increasingly, Americans are starting to realize that something is not right. The past couple of years of severe economic turbulence, escalating government power, and out-of-control government […]
Tweet Trevor Loudon, our patriot New Zealander, has asked this be spread far and wide. At 9:00 AM EST Tuesday November 30, 2010, New Zeal will post documentary evidence linking Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, to the Communist Party USA Please read his full article to get access to all the embedded links. Trevor […]
Tweet We have written about this before but it has reared its ugly head once again. If we allow ‘Smart Grids’ to be installed, the government will then control every bit of your electricity usage. “Smart Grid sounds harmless and modern, but it will be incredibly intrusive. Appliances in the future will have microchips installed; […]
Tweet Ed Naile has summed it up nicely — if you can’t show your gun to a trespasser, then what CAN you do to ward off would-be attackers? This story of what happened to Ward Bird is a travesty and breach of the law. Ward Bird should never give up his right to keep and […]