Tweet It’s Official – The FCC Will Vote to Take Over the Internet in December “Just this past Friday, we warned you that a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) December Internet power grab was probably coming. Well, we now know that it is – and it may be even worse than we thought.” Read more at […]
Tweet The penalties are tremendous, with a million dollar a day fine and/or ten years in prison. The goal is to make monopoly over seeds absolute. The USDA will be in control of small gardeners, there will be an end to seed exchanges, organic seed companies, and an end to the freedom to pursue happiness […]
Tweet WMUR has video of the Ward Bird protest. Thinking of the recent machete murder in New Boston, it is unconscionable that this man was jailed for merely having his gun in sight while asking a trespasser to leave. When she didn’t, he went back in the house to call police… but she called them […]
Tweet Apparently Obama is taking a cue from John Podesta’s suggestion to override the Congress and just rule by fiat. Bad enough we have land grabs and internet censorship in the pipelines, but now there is the question of whether the EPA can act without Congressional input. See what Dr Paul had to say about […]
Tweet While the press merely touched the surface on Obama’s trip to India and Asia, we knew Obama was there strengthening the new world order. Significance of India, Russia, China cooperation “The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) countries are going to be the new powerhouse of the world. It is in India’s enlightened interest that we […]