Tweet Michelle Malkin has an important article that sounds the alarm for the land grabs that are going on. How much land does the government own in YOUR state?
Tweet Lately there has been controversy over Channel ONE, something that is piped into the schools. See this slide presentation of what is being shown.
Tweet Despite being handed a defeat last month when a federal court ruled that the FCC does not have the power to enforce net neutrality, the regulatory agency is ignoring it. Obama-appointed FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is attempting to get the FCC around it by regulating Internet lines under Title 2 of the Communications Act, […]
Tweet Raw Story features this article which talks about the possibility of government censorship of certain websites, just as is done in China. This is a dangerous precedent my friends. Do not let this issue fall from your sights! “The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor said the US Senate was also considering a bill […]
Tweet American Thinker does a thoughtful exploration of this issue, something that the SPLC and law enforcement seem to be ignoring altogether, instead choosing to focus on a few nuts in order to smear the tea party. Excerpts: “To conservatives, the idea of armed overthrow of the government is nigh on unthinkable. To foment a […]