Tweet Please call your Senators and urge them NO on the “Food Safety Modernization Act” (S.510) Your home garden is in danger of being regulated.
Tweet For those of you who’ve never been taught this in public school (and we suspect there are many) plainly stated, Communism kills, either indirectly because of the failure of the government to provide for the needs of all in a centrally planned society or indirectly because rebels refused to abandon their old ways. If […]
Tweet Verum Serum has the whole story… We are concerned that Ted Rall does seem serious about this. “We are here because the U.S. is going to end soon. There’s going to be an intense, violent, probably haphazard struggle for control. It’s going to come down to us versus them. The question is: What are […]
Tweet By pushing his agenda using executive orders, progressives hope to get Obama to rule by fiat. Karen Dolan, a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, or IPS, and director of the Cities for Progress and Cities for Peace projects based at the radical organization said that progressives should.. “…throw our support unabashedly behind […]
Tweet Canada Free Press knows: Soros has been convicted of this before. Funder of Marxist/leftist groups and the mainly leftist media, he has taken up the cause of utopian socialism and sees his mission as the redistribution of the wealth across the globe. The QE2 “will devalue the dollar and lead to higher commodity prices, […]