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Agenda 21 and Habitat I and II

Tweet Henry Lamb’s website is one of the best places to find information on the UN’s schemes, other than the UN itself. In doing research on Agenda 21 and the ‘global warming turned climate change and now bio-diversity’ hoax, we stumbled across this gem that was too good not to archive in more than […]

Growing Your Own

Tweet Perhaps people know that pretty soon, home gardening may be outlawed by the passing of the Food Safety and Modernization Act which is intended to bring us in compliance with the UN’s Codex Alimentarius set up by the World Health Organization. This is more of what is talked about as being “global governance”. What […]

Of Witchcraft, Aqua Buddhas and Skull and Bones

Tweet Some desperate politicians have been digging up stories of basically harmless high school or college pranks with which to smear their opponents. Christine O’Donnell joked about associating with highschoolers exploring witchcraft, a fad of its time that could be considered similar to the vampire craze today, and Rand Paul was accused of participating in […]

It’s Official – Democrats Party of Big Banking

Tweet Barney Frank rakes in $40G from bailed out banks … despite vow to shun bailed-out lenders U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, in an intensifying clash with GOP upstart Sean Bielat, has pledged not to take campaign cash from lenders that got federal bailouts — yet has raked in more than $40,000 from bank execs and […]

Communists Applaud Destruction of America

Tweet These articles from People’s World need no explanation. Obama Won’t Wait for Congressional Approval for Cap and Trade Bill Will Keep Schools From Teaching Abstinence

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