Tweet EPA Funnels Taxpayer Money to Dozens of Liberal Community Activist Groups EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has made it a priority “to expand the conversation on environmentalism and work for environmental justice,” the EPA says. (AP Photo) ( – The Environmental Protection Agency recently listed 76 community groups and government agencies that will share almost […]
Tweet This is why newspapers like the NY Daily News are going bankrupt. Notice that never is anything said about the murdering Communists that were being celebrated at the Restoring Sanity rally on Oct 2, an event in which many congressmen encouraged participation. Many other papers with an agenda wrote misleading articles like the one […]
Tweet For those who still think Islam is not a threat, please see this article at The Blaze. It talks of a magazine written by terrorists, one of whom states among other things that “I am a traitor to America because my religion requires me to be one.” The new edition also includes “The Ultimate […]
Tweet This is the result of what the students in our public schools are learning. Che Guevara and Mao are to be revered, but Columbus, who named America, is not. Read More…
Tweet Does anyone see the metaphorical significance of the presidential seal falling off the podium and now this incident where a book was tossed at Obama (but missed) when he was on stage in PA? In addition, a naked man was led away from the crowd during this same rally where Obama hoped to drum […]