Tweet Remember when SEIU terrorized a young boy by thronging outside his home when he was there alone? They didn’t seem to care about that, but now cannot tolerate one person calling them out on their job-hurting practices. YOU GO GIRL!
Tweet Fun to watch — Chris Matthews, water-carrier for Obama, admits that the tea party will pull the Republican party to the right. Considering Republicans have lost in the past two elections all because they lost their way by deviating from and in some cases, totally abandoning their platform, a platform which is supposed to […]
Tweet First there was an attempt by #teapartytracker to haunt patriots on Twitter.. and now this attempt to foul search engines in favor of progressives by smearing Republicans. This from a missive directly from Kos which details plans to spam the internet with FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) and makes the admission this was done […]
Tweet Just look at the books they are using to teach history… The Blaze
Tweet In another instance of ‘fake tea party candidate-itis’, the Dems in NJ tried to put up a candidate on the ballot under the supposed ‘tea party’. Word to the wise: Be wary if you never heard of the person as a conservative activist. Just the fact that the tea party is somehow registered as […]