Tweet Please be aware of the very very profane and x-rated language in the tweets in this video… connected to #teapartytracker, the group set up by the NAACP and others and funded by Soros to hit back at the tea party. Read full article at Verum Serum…
Tweet Big Government sums it up well – what will these groups mean for voter fraud on November 2? * First Dot: The SOS Project * Second Dot: The SEIU’s Shenanigans * Third Dot: 11 Million Illegal Immigrants * Fourth Dot: The Fake ID Industry & Meg Whitman * Fifth Dot: Voter Registration * Sixth […]
Tweet Gateway Pundit reports that Nicky Diaz Santillan, illegal alien who lied on her work forms, is suing candidate Meg Whitman for $6,210 and claiming “abuse” which isn’t specified other than to say that Whitman did not buy her baby a present. Last night a thought came to mind when we saw Janet Napolitano being […]
Tweet WND has the story of the socialist movement and how it has taken over the stage in LA. “We reform the immigration laws; it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters,” stated Medina at a June 2009 Washington conference for America’s Future Now! Medina said that during the presidential […]
Tweet Are you angry yet about the misconceptions and out and out lies that are being told by GSFTC at these forums? Get ready to blow your stack. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy is funded by George Soros. They are pushing for an income tax. If the “richest 1 percent only pay 2 […]