Tweet Please read these two important articles to find out why after raising our taxes about 84 times, Lynch and the current legislature are responsible for a looming $800M deficit in 2012. There is NO Surplus Dems 4-Year Assault on NH Advantage
Tweet It is very important that we get conservatives on board with S.J. Res. 16 (lead sponsor is Sen. Jim DeMint) and H.J. Res. 42 (lead sponsor is Rep. Pete Hoekstra) Please visit Parental Rights. Call your current Representative’s local office and ask him or her to co-sponsor HJRes 42, the Parental Rights Amendment as […]
Tweet Interesting! Trucks are circling in NY that demand the liberal media tell the truth. CNS News has the full story…
Tweet Look for more egregious legislation that could be shoved down our throats in the lame duck congress. Breitbart has the story of the Right to Work repeal…
Tweet ‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’ — ‘Shouldn’t we start punishing them now?’ Consider that the whole climate hoax was drummed up by some of the world’s largest oil magnates (Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller) in order to herd us into the one-world government […]