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Stop the DISCLOSE Act! S 3628

Tweet With time running out before Congress adjourns for recess, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a cloture vote on S. 3628, the DISCLOSE Act (which should be known as “the Establishment Protection Act”), to take place later today. Please contact Senator Judd Gregg at (202) 224-3324 and Senator Jeanne Shaheen at (202) 224-2841 […]

Obamacare Causing Child Insurance to be Dropped

Tweet Insurance Premiums are on the Rise And the cover up continues. So you thought Obamacare meant that your health insurance premiums would go down, your coverage would be better, and all would be right with the world? Think again. To make up for the government mandates which force insurance companies to redistribute the wealth […]

America Being Given Away Piece by Piece HR 3534

Tweet HR 3534 aka the “CLEAR Act” is the globalist bill designed to give away our land, oceans, adjacent land masses and Great Lakes to an international body, and makes us pay $900 Million per year until 2040. These are the kinds of things we need to hold our elected officials accountable for — will […]

PJ O’Rourke on World Affairs and the Tea Party

Tweet We had the pleasure of a short and funny speech by PJ O’Rourke at the CNHT event on July 10, 2010. PJ writes for World Affairs Magazine and as a foreign correspondent, was trying to get a bead on what the tea party people felt about foreign policy, war, and interventionism in general, and […]

Property Rights Tyranny Begins with SB 1619

Tweet We have asked you before to please call your Senators to stop the Livable Communities Act SB 1619. We have written before about Agenda 21, ICLEI, and this bill… (search the blog) We hope it is not too late. Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City September 10, 2010 by Bob […]

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