Tweet by David J. Starr Back a few years ago, New Hampshire joined the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI for short) along with the rest of New England, Quebec, Ontario, New York and Pennsylvania. RGGI put in a carbon cap and started “selling” licenses to emit CO2 to the utilities. The proceeds from the “sale” […]
Tweet We’ve written so many times before about how ex-Nazi and international financial criminal George Soros is the funder of most all progressive far left groups. Sadly, he owns and controls the current reigning party in our government including the president. He has funded small groups right here in NH that have made a few […]
Tweet Judge cites homeschoolers for violating U.N. mandate Police interrogate parents, confiscate their curriculum “The only reason the four families are facing this situation is because a Botswana judge is using the [United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the CRC] to impose his subjective view regarding education and to substitute his opinion […]
Tweet Hmmm, wasn’t so long ago that we had the leftist cabbie-stabber. Now we have this guy who wants the Discovery Channel to save the earth. One of his demands: “Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are […]
Tweet School programs suggest that centralized government socialism as under Hugo Chavez in Venezuela is the way the US ought to be in order to accommodate illegals. One of these women even goes so far as to say ‘Republicans hate Latinos’. Wow. These folks have designed a special phone that will allow illegals safe passage […]