Tweet Courtesy of The NH House of Representatives, here is a file that outlines their legislative accomplishments as of 2012. Please download the PDF file: 2012 Session Accomplishments Let your friends and neighbors know why these successes should be a mandate for their re-election.
Following the Trail from Sustainability…to Tyranny (Part 2)
by Tom Flaherty
This is part 2 of a series that breaks down the “sustainability” movement, and explains how some in NH are working to constrain individual liberties with it.
Tweet This is part 1 of a series that breaks down the “sustainability” movement, and explains how some in NH are working to constrain individual liberties with it. by Tom Flaherty Fellow citizen, please ask yourself these questions. What if… The state began taxing your private well-water usage, declaring ownership of it? You could no […]
Tweet New Hampshire is experiencing a spate of action by several ‘regional’ planning commissions who are trying to implement various ‘sustainability’ programs, funded by EPA/HUD/DOT. They usually will conduct ‘visioning’ sessions, which seem to be nothing more than group manipulation using the Delphi Technique. These appointed commissions often do not publicize what they are doing […]
Tweet Thoughts on Independence Day by Thomas Flaherty, Greater Nashua Tea Party On this day, a congress of desperate men drew a line in the sand; a line upon which they squarely placed their assets, reputations, lives, and the lives of their families. What caused them to take such a risk? We all know what […]