Tweet There will be a FREE Tea Party on September 10th in Victory Park Manchester from 5-9:00 PM. It will feature candidates, informational tables, groups, and music. Please RSVP to Cindy at 543-1372, 276-8265 or if you are a group or candidate. This is FREE, but you MUST RSVP for space assignment. Please note […]
Tweet Update: Read Governor Jan Brewer’s letter to the Secretary of State, condemning the Obama administration’s appeal to the UN “Human Rights Commmission” against Arizona’s wish to enforce normal immigration laws. If this isn’t proof that Obama is working for world government we don’t know what more you need. The UN has NO business sticking […]
Tweet “According to the HSLDA, Swedish authorities defend their actions by citing the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, a treaty that has been endorsed by the White House and some members of Congress.” The Swedish authorities have SEIZED a child from his home under the umbrella of a U.N. treaty and put […]
Tweet On Friday September 4 Hodes was followed to four “closed” forums which he held in Salem, Tilton, Franklin, and Nashua by several protesters including a person in chicken suit who held up a sign that said “Hodes – too Chicken for a REAL town hall!” “Hodes too Chicken for a REAL town hall!” On […]
Tweet Please let Congressman Hodes know that you will not tolerate being ignored. As reported in the Union Leader, Congressman Paul Hodes held four “forums” on health care on Friday the 4th. These forums were NOT open to the general public. Despite demands from constituents that all NH Congressmen and NH Senators hold truly public […]