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One more time Hodes is asked, will you hold a real town hall?

Tweet And the answer of course is, NO.

Are YOU a Right-Wing Terrorist?

Tweet According to Obama’s group Organizing for America you are. On their webpage, they describe anyone who is against government controlled health care as “our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic process, whipped to a frenzy by their FOX Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.” Click for a […]

Breaking: Dover NH Activists Counter Vigil

Tweet This evening held a ‘candlelight vigil’ in downtown Dover.’s website boasted that they had over 1,449 sign ups for this particular rally. When the 50 or so tea party counter-protesters arrived, they found that only about 50 people had arrived to conduct the ‘vigil’. Here is a photo of our crowd… Here […]

Obamacare – Animal Farm

Tweet Listen carefully to this man who explains that in some countries with government health care, they don’t even have bandaids! He also brings up the idea that Obama can’t seem to help contribute to the care of his own relatives in Kenya who are living on $12 a month, while his wife prances around […]

How a Town Hall Should be Done

Tweet Despite claims from the NHDP that it was a ‘staged’ event, Manchester Mayor and CD-1 Candidate Frank Guinta stays late and answers any and all questions from his potential constituents at a completely open town hall. If pro-government health care advocates did not attend it was their own frault. Frank demonstrated not only his […]

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