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Fact Check: Insurance Companies Support Obama

Tweet This excellent article posted at asks about some things we have been wondering about for a while. When MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan asked me about those nasty insurance companies I can’t remember exactly what I answered (we have obtained the tape and will review it and post it soon) but it was based on […]

Have you seen these Reps?

Tweet We reported weeks ago that Shaheen, Hodes, and Porter have been missing in action. One month ago we demonstrated outside Shaheen’s office in Manchester. Despite repeated requests for face to face meetings none of our ‘milk carton’ reps have scheduled any. According to this article, Rep Chet Edwards had a change of heart, thanks […]

Shaheen Constituents Question Staffers in Bedford

Tweet From one of the attendees… About 20 people showed up to voice their opinions, mainly on the health care bill and cap and trade, when Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s staffers held office hours in Bedford. Not one person there SUPPORTED this healthcare bill. All were well informed and offered excellent arguments against the bill and […]

Shea-Porter and Hodes Still in Hiding

Tweet Let’s look back just a short time in history. Carol Shea-Porter in 2006: “I always believe in speaking up. I think that’s what we’re supposed to do,” she said. And last week? Carol Shea-Porter in 2009: No Town Hall meetings, spokesman, “…people are trying to disrupt this democratic process.” What a difference three years […]

Neil Cavuto and Ed Naile

Tweet Here is Ed Naile of CNHT who spoke with Neil Cavuto about the Obama campaign event in a live shot on August 11, 2009. By this time it was clear to everyone that the town hall held inside had been more of an Obama “pep rally”.

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