Tweet Seniors don’t want it… and with good reason. Yet organizations that are supposed to speak for their well being do not want to listen to their members. See this video of an AARP Health Care Town Hall Comments from under a blog: “I am a 70 year old whose medical costs are high, but […]
Tweet Thank you Representative Van Patten for speaking out for those of us who really had our civil rights trampled at Hampstead…where we were prevented from getting help from the Shaheen office while those from outside the state were allowed to protest without comment. The last sentence reiterates exactly why we were there — stop […]
Tweet And all because he carried yellow Gadsden flags. The black man who beat him up asked him, ‘What kind of n***** are you?” The DNC has an ad about “angry mobs” that are supposedly funded by the “GOP machine” to “stage” these events. Don’t believe it. The GOP (nor any other group) has NOT […]
Tweet Somehow the liberals in NH think that the more extremist their language is and the more farout their accusations, the more it will be true. Sadly they are wrong again. In this press release below, every single statement is baseless… where’s the beef, Mike? Our comments in bold… Thursday, August 6 2009 05:28 PM […]
Tweet The scene in Hampstead on August 5th was the subject of condemnation by Jeanne Shaheen. However, reporter Penny Willians wrote a fair assessment of what really happened that day. Trit-Town News HAMPSTEAD – An event advertised as a routine constituent concern forum with representatives of U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH, brought out a loud […]