Tweet SIGN THE PETITION: A complaint for breach of oath of office has been filed by some of our tea party members, against House Majority Leader Steve Shurtleff, D-Penacook, and the other 188 House members who, in our opinion, have violated their oaths of office by voting in favor of House Bill 135. This […]
Tweet As we have asserted and proven by listing the last dozen or so acts of violence (bombings, shootings, attacks with planes, etc) have been done by LEFTISTS or Obama supporters. In honor of Earth Day April 22, 2013, we reprint this piece as a reminder of who does the terrorism in this country. Earth […]
Tweet The NH Tea Party Coalition has announced that it has launched a new eBlast format. For those of you have already signed up, we recommend that you adjust your subscription preferences to add your town. Whereas in the past we only asked for email addresses, addition of town will help us direct you to […]
Tweet For Immediate Release: April 2, 2013 Media Contact: Ashley Pratte, Executive Director 603-361-5057, An op-ed by Ashley Pratte Executive Director Cornerstone Policy Research Fiscal Irresponsibility Returns to Concord When our legislators in Concord act irresponsibly, you and I pay for it. And soon we’ll be paying more in taxes and fees while exposing […]
Tweet You’re invited to an “Honor Your Oath Rally” on April 13, 2013 at the NH Statehouse in Concord NH from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. This rally will be in lieu of the usual tax day rally that many tea party groups attend on the 15th each year on the Manchester Common. There will […]