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NH Senators Both “No-Shows” on Drone Filibuster

Tweet NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen was AWOL, but what’s even worse, Senator Kelly Ayotte was dining with Obama while Kentucky Senator Rand Paul fought valiantly to get an answer from the President about whether he feels he can constitutionally kill an American on American soil using a drone. Alexander, Lamar – (R – TN) Ayotte, […]

Sheriffs Stand Strong for Constitution

Tweet A growing list of County Sheriffs across America have vowed not to enforce any of Obama’s new gun laws which may violate citizens’ constitutional rights. These sheriffs have written letters to the White House and/or made public statements to media, on their County pages, and on their Facebook pages, as well as in responses […]

Happy Fifth Birthday Modern Day Tea Party (12/2007-12/2012)

Tweet From that first modern tea party uprising on December 16, 2007 when we tossed “tea containers” (on tethers) into the harbors all over the USA — the containers were emblazoned with the names of the lynchpin issues of our protest — and then gathered for a rally at Fanueil Hall Boston, to this December […]

Controlling the Masses: The Forty-Year Plan

Tweet How the elites are attacking humanity For those wondering why things seem to have gone to “hell in a hand basket” in this country over the last 40 years, this discovery may help you to understand the cause. It is no secret that the elites, notably families such as the Rockefellers and their ilk, […]

Voluntarism in NH – Generosity in the Free State

Tweet It’s the season for giving, after all. Putting their money where their mouths are when it comes to charity, 40+ Porcupines (the porcupine is the mascot of the Free State Project) volunteers came together to bag the groceries that will go to 260 families and feed 600 needy people through a program founded in […]

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