Browsing » Federal Legislation


Tweet ALERT: Congressional bills HR 4350 and S. 4049 (the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), are heading for a full vote in the House and Senate. Both the House and Senate bills carry a dangerous amendment to the Military Selective Service Act to require young women to register for the Selective Service System (SSS) Draft. […]

Just March Them Out

Tweet It was CT Iserbyt who opened our eyes to the two-party perfidy when she exposed what Reagan (merged our educational system with the Soviets) and the Heritage Foundation (crafters of Obamacare!) were really doing. We live in a world full of traitors and fools. So it should not come as a surprise or cause […]

Treason From Within – Martial Law?

Tweet by NHTPC Staff NO LEGITIMATE TEAPARTY would call for Martial Law or the suspension of the Constitution! As many of you know, the original ‘teaparty’ was formed in 2007 by patriots in NH and Mass. The kickoff celebration was held in February of 2007 by our founder in the town of Pembroke NH at […]

Real ID is a Threat to Liberty

Tweet Please read this post from American Policy Center on why the Real ID Act is a danger to our liberty.

Stop the ERA

Tweet On February 13, 2020, by a vote of 232 Yeas to 183 Nays, the U.S. House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 79. This resolution would retroactively remove the ratification deadline from the original Equal Rights Amendment legislation passed by Congress in 1972, HJR 208 of the 92nd Congress. H.J. Res. 79 is a […]

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