Tweet Constitutional expert and attorney KrisAnne Hall recently gave these presentations at New Hampshire’s Toah Nipi Retreat Center and at a Rindge GOP meeting. The Constitutional Attorney, Author, Teacher, Host of The KrisAnne Hall Show and founder of Constitutional Education and Consulting will be back in Manchester NH on September 7 and 8 so mark […]
Tweet Recently KrisAnne Hall spoke to NH residents in Rindge.
Tweet AGENDA 2030 IS THE CONTINUATION OF AGENDA 21 Today it is easy to debunk the accusation that Agenda 21/2030 is a “conspiracy theory” by simply following its advocates as they post their intentions to social media. Witness statements from the UN’s grand pooh-bah of its ECOSOC group as to what that organization has laid […]
Tweet The United Nations, since it has been in existence, has been known to want to be the world’s government — one central, global authority, over every nation, person, and blade of grass on the planet. Just a quick perusal of the UN website will give you an idea of the vast amount of rules, […]
Tweet Camp Constitution’s Annual Family Camp Returns to the Toah Nipi Christian Retreat Center in Rindge NH for its eight annual camp from Sunday July 10 to Sunday July 17. The camp offers classes and workshops on a number of subjects including the U.S. Constitution, U.S. History, Morality, and Freedom. This year’s featured instructor will […]