Tweet IT’S NOT ABOUT TURTLES BUT PROFITS FOR CORPORATIONS While most of the country entertains itself with rock music, football, and reality shows, our American lands are being sold to the highest bidder. Those hard workers who produce our meat and vegetables are being oppressed, deprived of land and water rights. As you may already […]
Tweet KrisAnne Hall nails it in her latest broadcast. If you support the constitutional republic and sovereignty, you my friends are the ‘domestic terrorists’, the enemies of the state, who are undermining their one world order.
Tweet You’ve heard the old saying — “Not a Dime’s Worth of Difference”. Many paleo-conservatives understand what makes them conservatives: it’s called the US Constitution. But many modern day “Republicans” do not have a clue. For those who still do not understand what “neocons”, aka “globalists” are, here is a hint: they are all working for […]
Tweet REMINDER FOR AN ELECTION YEAR We regret to inform you that we are once again getting reports about various PACs and other nefarious partisan groups from out of state, particularly DC and NY, who are using the ‘teaparty’ name, soliciting funds from OUR members, either to benefit themselves, or for supposed disbursement to an […]
Tweet As we said in a previous article about the arrest of Journalist Pete Santilli, when the government starts arresting onlookers and journalists for exercising free speech rights, start thinking “tin pot dictators”, “banana republic”, and America as a “third world country”. Today could have been a lot different for NH’s Jerry DeLemus. Jerry, as […]