Tweet The REAL teaparty will celebrate 14 years in existence from the day we tossed boxes with issues written on them into the waters of the USA!
Tweet More from Publius: This year we helped defeat applications in SD, MT, VA, WY, MD, WV (Convention of States), ND, HI, ME, MN, CT, and LA; other states’ applications died in 2021, but will come back to life in 2022. And there are a few states with applications still pending this year. In fact, […]
Tweet “Publius Huldah” is Attorney Joanna Martin. She exposes the true agenda of the Article V Convention, and we’ve been saying the same thing all along — it is to install a ‘new constitution’ that is socialist in nature. From Joanna: In this new video, I show how the push for an Article V […]
Tweet ALERT: Congressional bills HR 4350 and S. 4049 (the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), are heading for a full vote in the House and Senate. Both the House and Senate bills carry a dangerous amendment to the Military Selective Service Act to require young women to register for the Selective Service System (SSS) Draft. […]
Tweet It was CT Iserbyt who opened our eyes to the two-party perfidy when she exposed what Reagan (merged our educational system with the Soviets) and the Heritage Foundation (crafters of Obamacare!) were really doing. We live in a world full of traitors and fools. So it should not come as a surprise or cause […]