Tweet This timeline defies the idea that even though born in Canada, Senator Ted Cruz qualifies as a “natural born citizen” of the United States by virtue of his parents’ citizenship.
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Tweet IMPORTANT NOTE: All posts about prominent political figures or candidates reflect facts gleaned from various sources for informational purposes only as it pertains to issues of importance to teapartiers. IT IS NEVER TO BE CONSTRUED AS AN ATTACK nor an ENDORSEMENT of these individuals. The teaparty does not run, fund, or endorse candidates. Candidates […]
Tweet IMPORTANT NOTE: All posts about prominent political figures or candidates reflect facts gleaned from various sources for informational purposes only as it pertains to issues of importance to teapartiers. IT IS NEVER TO BE CONSTRUED AS AN ATTACK nor an ENDORSEMENT of these individuals. The teaparty does not run, fund, or endorse candidates. Candidates […]
Tweet This story, which has a long history, highlights the importance of local elections. A lot happens there in NH, so you’d better get out to vote this week on both ballot box voting days and town meetings. (March 11-13) APPARENTLY, BILL GREINER’S BEHAVIOR HAS LED TO MAJOR FOIA REQUEST BY NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST […]